Inspired by the previous match, Takao has Daichi practice tag-team attacks with him, which they are not used to. F Sangre is renowned for their tag-team abilities, and Takao wants nothing more than to beat them at their own game. Meanwhile, F Sangre foregoes practicing in favor of another public show of their beyblading skills for a crowd of onlookers. One dialog between their coach Romero and one suited man was for some reason cut from the English dub and the versions based on it. In a flashback to their childhood, it is revealed that Raul and Julia were born to and raised by a circus traveling group and practiced hard since their childhood to become part of the act. They seemed unable to do the simplest of the tricks, until Romero introduced them to the world of beyblading. As their show ends, Romero performs a magic trick that makes an apple disappear from his hand only to appear on top of the suited man's head (for some reason, this was also cut from the English dub and the versions based on it). When the day of the match arrives, Takao specifically requests the two-on-two format and F Sangre agrees. The sand-filled Sahara dish gives Takao and Daichi the pre-battle advantage, but during the match, Takao's beyblade has trouble keeping up. Coach Hiro realizes that the pressure Takao is feeling to carry his team as the former Beyblade champion is affecting his performance. Takao eventually gets back in the game and unleashes a twin tornado attack with Daichi. When it seems they are about to win, Takao loses pace and the tornado is gone, leaving them vulnerable. Raul and Julia pull off another spectacular tag-team assault and defeat Takao and Daichi. In the English dub and the versions based on it, it is said that all teams remaining have two wins and two losses, though Barthez Battalion has actually only one win and the Neo Borg only one loss.